
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Noodles Kopyok

One of the foods are quite popular in Semarang, Central Java is  'Noodles Kopyok'  strength kopyok noodles is only one, namely the onion water. Turbid water like onions can be a mixture of candlenuts.

Kopyok means is shaken or stirred. But the noodles was not shaken and stirred so not sure why so-called noodle kopyok.

one is a mix of Mie Kopyok Gendar. Gendar is crackers made ​​from rice dough flavored with spices and flavor enhancer. To add suppleness ' Bleng ' ( bleng is ingredients to make a chewy cracker ) sometimes added, but if you do not use tapioca flour Bleng can be added to the raw dough into chewy and dense. Once the dough is smooth and evenly crushed then sliced ​​thin and dried in the sun until dry. Approximately 2-3 days for drying raw crackers can be fried and ready to serve as gendar crackers.

Ingredients :
  • 4 pcs rice cake, cut into pieces
  • 150 grams of yellow noodles, boiled briefly, drained
  • 100 grams of cabbage, finely shredded
  • 100 grams of bean sprouts
  • 1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
  • 1 tbsp fried shallots
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Gendar
Noodle soup for Prescription Kopyok :
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 200 grams of beef, sliced
  • 700 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of oil for sauteing
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 / 4 pcs nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon salt
How to Make Noodles Recipe Kopyok :
  • Make sauce : heat oil, saute garlic until fragrant, put beef, cook until it changes color. Pour water, pepper, nutmeg and salt, boil until boiling, remove from heat.
  • Boil water until boiling, put in a little ladle of yellow noodles, cabbage, and bean sprouts, dip in water, boiled briefly, remove from heat.
  • Arrange in a dish, rice cake, boiled yellow noodles, cabbage and bean sprouts, give the sauce, squeeze gendar powder, celery leaves, fried shallots and soy sauce and serve warm.

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