
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dried Beef Spicy Sauce " Jerky " ( Dengdeng in Indonesia)

Jerky is made ​​from dried meat is sliced ​​thin and given a chili sauce. This cuisine originated from Padang West Sumatra.

Materials Cuisine:

- 2-3 cloves garlic finely
- 1 piece of ginger in puree
- 1 / 2 pound thinly sliced ​​beef rather wide
- 3 pieces of lime in the water grab
- 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste

How to Make Jerky:

Meat marinated with all the spices to ¼ to ½ hour. Lift and basking in the sun until completely dry and then fried.

Balado Seasoning Ingredients:

- ½ teaspoon salt
- 5 tablespoons coconut milk
- 100 grams of red chilli
- 100 grams of chopped onion

Cooking Spices Balado:
Saute onion until golden, then add red chilli, cook briefly, the last add the coconut milk.

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