
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jala Bread With Chicken Curried

The rise of various types of flour from various local grocery needs we welcome socialize through the recipe so that adding new types of food variation that could interest the public.

Material Jala Bread :

• 50 g banana flour
• 50 g wheat flour
• 2  eggs
• 500 ml coconut milk diluted
• A little salt
• 1 tablespoon melted butter

Curry Chicken:

• 250 gr chicken meat (5 pieces)
• 500 ml coconut milk
• 1 tablespoon of oil for sauteing
• 2 lbr lime leaves
• 1 stalk lemongrass
• 1 slice of ginger

Spices that are:

• 1 vertebra ginger
• 5 pcs candlenut
• 5 cloves garlic
• 2 pcs red chilli
• 5 pcs onion
• 1 slice of turmeric
• Salt to taste

How to make Jala Bread :
  • Mix the banana flour and wheat flour, break eggs one by one, pour the coconut milk little by little until they run out while stirring, let the butter melt, stirring.
  • Take the Teflon, heat, and make pancakes like a cone nets until the dough runs out (± 20 sheets), set aside.
How to make chicken curry :
  • Saute the spices that have been mashed with lemon grass, lime leaves and galangal with oil.
  • Add chicken, cook until the flavors mingle, enter the cook coconut milk to boil, and cook until chicken is tender, remove
  • Serve bread with chicken curry

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